Sunday, May 3, 2009

Let Go, and Let God
Mar 10, '09 4:07 PMby Robert for everyone
This beautiful song by Olivia Newton John containes the chantingof Nam-myoho-renge-kyo at the 1:37 mark and again at the 2:57 mark....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

This story was related to me very long time ago......

God helps those who help themselves.

This is about a very religous person by the name of AAA some time ago. This person prays everyday and a lot without fail.

One day it is raining. The water begins to raise to the knee level. Some neighbours pass by and ask AAA to leave the house as the flood is coming. But AAA says to them, I pray a lot and god will not want me to die.

One hour later the water level reachs the level of a car roof and some policemen in a boat ask AAA to hop to the boat but AAA say to them no. He says to himself since I pray a lot, god will definitely want me to die.

Three hours the flood water reaches the top of the door and so AAA climb on to the roof of the house. An army heli passes by and asks AAA to hold on to the rope to hoist to safety but AAA refuses. He says to himself that since he prays a lot , god will definitely help him.

The water level rises to the roof and sweeps the whole house away and AAA is dead.

Moral of the story:
Anybody can pray or chant a lot of daimoku but if one is stubborn and stupid, the Gohonzon also is fedup and does want to help any more. Gohonzon has already sent three help, first the neighbour, second the police boat and third the helicopter.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My experience

Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism was introduced to my by my mother in law some twenty years ago. I was a part time buddhist then, By part time I meant chant when got mood. On and off I will chant when I encountered any problem.

My first test of the faith was when my wife conceived my second son. When the new of my wife was pregnant with my second son we were very happy.

The gynecologist when my wife was conceived with my first son was Dr McCoy. The doctor was about sixty years then. My wife and I had decided to chan doctor as we felt that Dr McCoy was old and may not be good for out expecting second child and so we changed to a younger doctor.

So there we were happily visting the young doctor for about two months. On the second month the doctor did a scan on the womb and there was still no sign of heart beat on the feotus. One week later we went to see the doctor again and the doctor still said that there is no new development and suggested to do a D & C on my wife and there was still no heart beat.

We panic and did not know what to do and so we chanted daimoku for quite some time. After chanting we decided to seek a second opinion and went back to Dr McCoy. McCoy said since my wife was pregnant any suggested we just leave the womb alone and waite for another few months before any D & C is needed.

We chanted daimoku everyday and on the visit to Dr McCoy on the third month the scan showed sign of heart beat. We were very happy.

From the third month to the seventh month my wife bleeded for a number of times. Every time when my wife go to work after a few days in office, she bled and went to see the doctor and the doctor will give her two weeks MC. This happened until the seven months. The numbers of MC day taken was about more than 100 days.

We were persistent and continued to chant daimoku. Miracle happened on the eight month and my wife seemed okay. She can go to work everday until the day my second son was born.
The doctor looked surprise and was very happy with the progress of my wife.

Thru chant we had the good fortune of meeting a good doctor. Had we listen to the first doctor we will not have our second son. My son is now in form three. He is always in the top five position in the class and had seven As in UPSR.