Sunday, January 13, 2013

If there are those who hear the Law, then not a one will fail to attain Buddhahood

Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Sunday, January 13, 2013:
The sutra states, "If there are those who hear the Law, then not a one will fail to attain Buddhahood." This means that, even if one were to point at the earth and miss it, even if the sun and moon should fall to the ground, even if an age should come when the tides cease to ebb and flow, or even if flowers should not turn to fruit in summer, it could never happen that a woman who chants Nam-myoho-renge-kyo would fail to be reunited with her beloved child. Continue in your devotion to faith, and bring this about quickly!",.

The Gift of Clear Sake
Written to the lay nun Ueno on January 13, 1281

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