Friday, April 19, 2013

The cycle of repaying gratitude will envelop one's whole existence.

Buddhism Day by Day
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Friday, April 19, 2013:
Grass and trees cannot grow without soil. The "soil" that fosters our growth includes our parents, teachers, seniors; or homeland, alma mater, community or company. In any case, everyone has some place where they grew up or someone who nurtured them. Human beings grow as a result of nurturing "soil" in which they express their ability and make the flowers of their lives blossom, just as the spirit of the rice plant returns to the soil and the stalk sprouts to flower and bear grain once again. We should repay our debts of gratitude to this soil in which we developed. This cycle of repaying gratitude will envelop one's whole existence. Your true humanity will never blossom if you seek only to develop yourself.

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