Thursday, October 21, 2010

For Today and Tomorrow

Power of faith
In this lifetime, to demonstrate the power of faith in the Mystic Law to others some of you may have been born into poverty so that you could show actual proof by gaining secure and comfortable lives. Some of you may have been born with ill health so that you could show proof by growing strong and healthy. Irrespective of your situations, however, the light of faith in the depths of your beings will continue to shine on eternally with diamond-like brilliance. 20/1

Helping others
Suffering and undergoing hardships for the sake of friends and for spreading the Law shows the sense of responsibility of a genuine leader and is the behavior of a bodhisattva. There is no suffering or hardship that a Bodhisattva of the Earth cannot surmount. So no matter what happens, I would like you to steadily advance one step at a time, always chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with a vibrant voice. 19/1

Now is the time, I am the one
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was a tireless crusader for human rights said: "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?" Do not say you will do it "someday"; now is the time. Do not say "someone" will do it; you are the one. Now is the time for youth to take full responsibility and courageously pave the way for the people's triumph. 18/1

Please remember that patience is in and of itself a great challenge and that it often holds the key to breaking through a seeming impasse. 17/1

Great achievement not accomplished overnight
It is important to take a long-range view. No great achievement is accomplished overnight or without difficulty. Should benefit be obtained easily without our making any efforts in Buddhist practice, we'd probably just as easily abandon our faith and end up miserable as a consequence. Because it isn't easy to get into a highly-ranked school, students study with all their might, gaining an abundance of knowledge and ability. Faith follows basically the same formula: Practice is essential to attaining Buddhahood. 16/1

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